Results for 'with William P. Seeley'

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  1. Cognitivism, psychology, and neuroscience: movies as attentional engines.with William P. Seeley - 2021 - In Noël Carroll, Philosophy and the Moving Image: Selected Essays. New York: Oxford University Press.
  2.  62
    Kinesthetic Understanding and Appreciation in Dance.William P. Seeley NoËl Carroll - 2013 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 71 (2):177-186.
    The idea that choreographic movements communicate to audiences by kinetic transfer is a commonplace among choreographers, dancers, and dance educators.1 Moreover, most dance lovers can cite their own favorite examples—the bounciness of the Royal Danish Ballet, the stomping of Bharata Natyam performers, the stag leaps in the thundering Greek chorus in Martha Graham’s Night Journey, or the contagious rhythmic transfer that takes over our feet when we watch classic tap dancers like Buster Brown. The perceptual capacity for kinetic transfer was (...)
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    Attentional Engines: A Perceptual Theory of the Arts.William P. Seeley - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    What is it about art that can be so captivating? How is it that we find value in the often odd and abstract objects and events we call artworks? William P. Seeley proposes that artworks are attentional engines. They are artifacts that have been intentionally designed to direct attention to critical stylistic features that reveal their point, purpose, or meaning. In developing this view, Seeley argues that there is a lot we can learn about the value of (...)
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  4. Imagining crawling home: A case study in cognitive science and aesthetics.William P. Seeley - 2010 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1 (3):407-426.
    Philosophical accounts of narrative fiction can be loosely divided into two types. Participant accounts argue that some sort of simulation, or 1st person perspective taking plays a critical role in our engagement with narratives. Observer accounts argue to the contrary that we primarily engage narrative fictions from a 3rd person point of view, as either side participants or outside observers. Recent psychological research suggests a means to evaluate this debate. The perception of distance and slope is influenced by the (...)
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    Olfaction, valuation, and action: reorienting perception.Jason B. Castro & William P. Seeley - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
    In the philosophy of perception, olfaction is the perennial problem child, presenting a range of difficulties to those seeking to define its proper referents, and its phenomenological content. Here, we argue that many of these difficulties can be resolved by recognizing the object-like representation of odors in the brain, and by postulating that the basic objects of olfaction are best defined by their biological value to the organism, rather than physico-chemical dimensions of stimuli. Building on this organism-centered account, we speculate (...)
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  6. Art and Science: A Philosophical Sketch of Their Historical Complexity and Codependence.Nicolas J. Bullot, William P. Seeley & Stephen Davies - 2017 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 75 (4):453-463.
    To analyze the relations between art and science, philosophers and historians have developed different lines of inquiry. A first type of inquiry considers how artistic and scientific practices have interacted over human history. Another project aims to determine the contributions that scientific research can make to our understanding of art, including the contributions that cognitive science can make to philosophical questions about the nature of art. We rely on contributions made to these projects in order to demonstrate that art and (...)
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    CHATTERJEE, ANJAN. The Aesthetic Brain: How We Evolved to Desire Beauty and Enjoy Art. Oxford University Press, 2013, xxiii + 217 pp., $36.95 cloth. [REVIEW]William P. Seeley - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 74 (4):430-432.
  8.  46
    Philosophy and conceptual art edited by Goldie, Peter, and Elisabeth Schellekens. [REVIEW]William P. Seeley - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 66 (2):203–205.
  9.  36
    Book Review: Starr, G. Gabrielle. Feeling Beauty: The Neuroscience of Aesthetic Experience MIT Press, 2013, xx + 259 pp., 19 color illus., $25.00 cloth. [REVIEW]William P. Seeley - 2014 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 72 (3):342-345.
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  10. Concepts of Epistemic Justification.William P. Alston - 1985 - The Monist 68 (1):57-89.
    Justification, or at least ‘justification’, bulks large in recent epistemology. The view that knowledge consists of true-justified-belief has been prominent in this century, and the justification of belief has attracted considerable attention in its own right. But it is usually not at all clear just what an epistemologist means by ‘justified’, just what concept the term is used to express. An enormous amount of energy has gone into the attempt to specify conditions under which beliefs of one or another sort (...)
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  11. Divine Nature and Human Language: Essays in Philosophical Theology.William P. Alston - 1989 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Divine Nature and Human Language is a collection of twelve essays in philosophical theology by William P. Alston, one of the leading figures in the current renaissance in the philosophy of religion. Using the equipment of contemporary analytical philosophy, Alston explores, partly refashions, and defends a largely traditional conception of God and His work in the world a conception that finds its origins in medieval philosophical theology. These essays fall into two groups: those concerned with theological language and (...)
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  12. Philosophy and the Neurosciences: A Reader.William P. Bechtel, Pete Mandik, Jennifer Mundale & Robert S. Stufflebeam (eds.) - 2001 - Malden, Mass.: Blackwell.
    2. Daugman, J. G. Brain metaphor and brain theory 3. Mundale, J. Neuroanatomical Foundations of Cognition: Connecting the Neuronal Level with the Study of Higher Brain Areas.
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  13. Cognitivism, Psychology and Neuroscience: Movies as Attentional Engines.William Seeley & Noel Carroll - 2013 - In Arthur P. Shimamura, Psychocinematics: Exploring Cognition at the Movies. Oxford University Press. pp. 53-75.
    Artworks are attentional engines, or artifacts intentionally designed to direct attention to formal features that are diagnostic for their artistically salient aesthetic, expressive, and semantic content. This is nowhere more true than the movies. Moving pictures are constructed from a suite of formal and narrative devices carefully developed to capture, hold, and direct our attention. These devices are tools for developing content by controlling the way information is presented throughout the duration of our engagement with a movie. In this (...)
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  14. What's wrong with immediate knowledge?William P. Alston - 1983 - Synthese 55 (April):73-96.
    Immediate knowledge is here construed as true belief that does not owe its status as knowledge to support by other knowledge (or justified belief) of the same subject. The bulk of the paper is devoted to a criticism of attempts to show the impossibility of immediate knowledge. I concentrate on attempts by Wilfrid Sellars and Laurence Bonjour to show that putative immediate knowledge really depends on higher-level knowledge or justified belief about the status of the beliefs involved in the putative (...)
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    Art, artists, and perception: A model for premotor contributions to perceptual analysis and form recognition.William Seeley & Aaron Kozbelt - 2008 - Philosophical Psychology 21 (2):149 – 171.
    Artists, art critics, art historians, and cognitive psychologists have asserted that visual artists perceive the world differently than nonartists and that these perceptual abilities are the product of knowledge of techniques for working in an artistic medium. In support of these claims, Kozbelt (2001) found that artists outperform nonartists in visual analysis tasks and that these perceptual advantages are statistically correlated with drawing skill. We propose a model to explain these results that is derived from a diagnostic framework for (...)
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  16. Sellars and the "myth of the given".William P. Alston - 2002 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 65 (1):69-86.
    Sellars is well known for his critique of the “myth of the given” in his “Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind”. That text does not make it unambiguous just how he understands the “myth”. Here I take it that whatever else may be involved, his critique is incompatible with the view that there is a nonconceptual mode of “presentation” or “givenness” of particulars that is the heart of sense perception and what is most distinctive of perception as a type (...)
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  17. Identity and cardinality: Geach and Frege.William P. Alston & Jonathan Bennett - 1984 - Philosophical Review 93 (4):553-567.
    P. T. Geach, notoriously, holds the Relative Identity Thesis, according to which a meaningful judgment of identity is always, implicitly or explicitly, relative to some general term. ‘The same’ is a fragmentary expression, and has no significance unless we say or mean ‘the same X’, where ‘X’ represents a general term (what Frege calls a Begriffswort or Begriffsausdruck). (P. T. Geach, Mental Acts (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1957), p. 69. I maintain that it makes no sense to judge whether (...)
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  18. Categories of Art and Computers: A Question of Artistic Style.William Seeley - 2017 - American Society for Aesthetics Newsletter 37 (3):9-11.
    Recent interdisciplinary research in visual stylometry employs digital image analysis algorithms to study the image features and statistics that underwrite our experience of artworks. This research brings psychologists, computer scientists, and art historians together to explore the formal image qualities that define artistic style. We introduce the field of visual stylometry, discuss it's implications for our understanding of both the nature of categories of art and the role artistic style plays in our engagement with artworks. We then discuss the (...)
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  19. The epistemology of evidence in cognitive neuroscience.William P. Bechtel - forthcoming - In Robert A. Skipper, Collin Allen, Rachel Ankeny, Carl F. Craver, Lindley Darden, Gregory Mikkelson & Robert C. Richardson, Philosophy and the Life Sciences: A Reader. MIT Press.
    It is no secret that scientists argue. They argue about theories. But even more, they argue about the evidence for theories. Is the evidence itself trustworthy? This is a bit surprising from the perspective of traditional empiricist accounts of scientific methodology according to which the evidence for scientific theories stems from observation, especially observation with the naked eye. These accounts portray the testing of scientific theories as a matter of comparing the predictions of the theory with the data (...)
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  20.  50
    Art, Meaning, and Perception: A Question of Methods for a Cognitive Neuroscience of Art.W. P. Seeley - 2013 - British Journal of Aesthetics 53 (4):443-460.
    Neuroscience of art might give us traction with aesthetic issues. However it can be seen to have trouble modeling the artistically salient semantic properties of artworks. So if meaning really matters, and it does, even in aesthetic contexts, the prospects for this nascent field are dim. The issue boils down to a question of whether or not we can get a grip on the kinds of constraints present and available to guide interpretive behavior in our engagement with works (...)
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  21. Art, Meaning, and Aesthetics: The Case for a Cognitive Neuroscience of Art.William Seeley - 2015 - In Joseph P. Huston, Marcos Nadal, Francisco Mora, Luigi F. Agnati & Camilo José Cela Conde, Art, Aesthetics and the Brian. Oxford University Press UK. pp. 19-39.
    Empirical aesthetics and philosophy of art are often framed as disciplines in conflict with one another. Psychologists working in empirical aesthetics argue that philosophical theories of art reflect the evaluative biases of critics and experts and so fail as objective accounts of artistic practice. Philosophers argue that the causal-psychological explanations appealed to in empirical aesthetics can not account for the role normative conventions play in appreciative judgements, and so fail to differentiate artworks and artistic practices from ordinary artifacts and (...)
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  22. Cognitive Theory and the Individual Film: The Case of Rear Window.William Seeley & Noël Carroll - 2014 - In Ted Nannicelli and Paul Alexander Taberham, Cognitive Media Theory. pp. 2350252.
    It has been argued that motion picture theory, or as we prefer to call it theory of the moving image, is too abstract, generalized , or theoretical to be of use for movie makers and critics interested in the production and analysis of particular films. We apply the framework and resources of Cognitivist Film Theory to explain some of the particular ways that Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window works to engage audiences with an eye to allaying the skeptics doubts.
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    Democratizing Visual Stylometry: Analysis of Artistic Style through Computational Workflows.William Seeley, Catherine A. Buell & Rickey J. Sethi - manuscript
    Visual stylometry is a new interdisciplinary research field that sits at the junction of digital humanities, empirical aesthetics, and computer science. Research in this field employs image analysis algorithms to study key aspects of artistic style. The nature of artistic style is the subject of ongoing debate within art history and philosophy of art. Computational and statistical methods in visual stylometry allow researchers to quantify and compare aspects of artistic style over the course of the career of an individual artist, (...)
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  24. Motor Simulation & the Effects of Energetic & Emotional Costs of Depicted Actions in Picture Perception.William Seeley - 2008 - Journal of Vision 8 (6):1041a.
    Psychological studies (Proffitt, 2006) have demonstrated that what one sees is influenced by one's goals, physiological state, and emotions. These studies demonstrate that there is a positive correlation between the physical demands (energetic cost) and perceived valence (emotional cost) of a task and the appearance of slant and egocentric distance in the environment. The studies are compelling. However, one can question whether their results are due to changes in the way participants perceived the orientation and extent of their environment or (...)
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  25. Naturalizing Aesthetics: Art and the Cognitive Neuroscience of Vision.William Seeley - 2006 - Journal of Visual Arts Practice 5 (3):195-213.
    Recent advances in out understanding of the cognitive neuroscience of perception have encouraged cognitive scientists and scientifically minded philosophers to turn their attention towards art and the problems of philosophical aesthetics. This cognitive turn does not represent an entirely novel paradigm in the study of art. Alexander Baumgarten originally introduced the term ‘aesthetics’ to refer to a science of perception. Artist’s formal methods are a means to cull the structural features necessary for constructing clear perceptual representations from the dense flux (...)
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  26. Neuroscience and Literature.William Seeley - 2015 - In Noël Carroll & John Gibson, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Literature. New York: Routledge. pp. 267-278.
    The growing general interest in understanding how neuroscience can contribute to explanations of our understanding and appreciation of art has been slow to find its way to philosophy of literature. Of course this is not to say that neuroscience has not had any influence on current theories about our engagement, understanding, and appreciation of literary works. Colin Martindale developed a scientific approach to literature in his book The Clockwork Muse (1990). His prototype-preference theory drew heavily on early artificial neural network (...)
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  27. Neuroscience, Narrative, and Emotion Regulation.William Seeley - 2018 - In Roger Kurtz, Trauma and Literature. pp. 153-166.
    Recent findings in affective and cognitive neuroscience underscore the fact that traumatic memories are embodied and inextricably integrated with the affective dimensions of associated emotional responses. These findings can be used to clarify, and in some cases challenge, traditional claims about the unrepresentability of traumatic experience that have been central to trauma literary studies. The cognitive and affective dimensions experience and memory are closely integrated. Recollection is always an attenuated form of embodied reenactment. Further, situation models for narrative comprehension (...)
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  28. Philosophy of Art and Empirical Aesthetics: Resistance and Rapprochement.William Seeley - 2013 - In Pablo P. L. Tinio & Jeffrey K. Smith, Cambridge Handbook of the Psychology of Aesthetics and the Arts. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 35-59.
    The philosophy of art and empirical aesthetics are, to all outward appearances, natural bedfellows, disciplines bound together by complimentary methodologies and the common goal of explaining a shared subject matter. Philosophers are in the business of sorting out the ontological and normative character of different categories of objects, events and behaviors, squaring up our conception of the nature of things, and clarifying the subject matter of different avenues of intellectual exploration via careful conceptual analyses of often complex conventional practices. Psychologists (...)
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  29. Seeking Salience in Engaging Artworks: A Short Story about Attention, Artistic Value, and Neuroscience (2018). The Arts and the Brain: Psychology and Physiology Beyond Pleasure, Progress in Brain Research 257: 437-453.William Seeley - 2018
    It has recently been suggested that research in neuroscience of art has failed to bring art into focus in the laboratory. Two general arguments are brought to bear in the regard. The common perceptual mechanisms argument observes that neuroscientists working within this field develop models to explain art relative to the ways that artworks are fine-tuned to the operations of perceptual systems. However, these perceptual explanations apply equally to how viewers come to recognize and understand art and nonart objects and (...)
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  30. Artworks Are Attentional Engines: Normative Conventions and Evaluative Perception in the Arts.William Seeley - 2014 - In Aaron Kozbelt, Proceedings of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics. pp. 372-376.
    There is a standard skeptical concern within philosophy of art that causal explanations in psychology and neuroscience apply equally to our engagement with art that is done well and art that is done poorly and so do not contribute to our understanding of the normative dimension of artistic appreciation. This skeptical concern is often used to challenge the relevance of psychology and neuroscience to our understanding of art. I sketch a crossmodal model for perception which demonstrates that those affective (...)
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  31. Seeking Salience in Engaging Art.William Seeley - 2018 - In Seeking Salience in Engaging Artworks: A Short Story about Attention, Artistic Value, and Neuroscience (2018). The Arts and the Brain: Psychology and Physiology Beyond Pleasure, Progress in Brain Research 257: 437-453. pp. 437-453.
    It has recently been suggested that research in neuroscience of art has failed to bring art into focus in the laboratory. Two general arguments are brought to bear in the regard. The common perceptual mechanisms argument observes that neuroscientists working within this field develop models to explain art relative to the ways that artworks are fine-tuned to the operations of perceptual systems. However, these perceptual explanations apply equally to how viewers come to recognize and understand art and nonart objects and (...)
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  32. Movement, Gesture, and Meaning: A Sensorimotor Model for Audience Engagement with Dance.William Seeley - 2013 - In Helena de Preester, Moving Imagination. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 51-68.
    The neuroscience of dance is a vibrant, fast growing field which embodies the promise of a genuine and productive interdisciplinary rapprochement between neuroscience and art. The strength of this field lies in the way it ties the experience of dance to sensorimotor processes that underwrite our ordinary perceptual engagement with the environment. Motor simulation and mimicry enhance our capacity to interpret the goals, motives, and emotions of others. Recent studies demonstrate that these same processes enable us to recognize abstract (...)
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    The Godly Image: Christ and Salvation in Catholic Thought from Anselm to Aquinas by Romanus Cessario, O.P.William P. Loewe - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (1):147-148.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 147 The Godly Image: Christ and Salvation in Catholic Thought from Anselm to Aquinas. By ROMANUS CESSARIO, O.P. Studies in historical theology. v. 6. Petersham, Mass.: St. Bede's Publications, 1990. Pp. xxiv + 214. $14.95 (paper). The Godly Image presents a retouched version of the author's dissertation, first published in 1982 as Christian Satisfaction in Aquinas: Towards a Personalist Understanding (Washington, DC: University Press of America). Seeking (...)
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  34. The place of the explanation of particular facts in science.William P. Alston - 1971 - Philosophy of Science 38 (1):13-34.
    On the critical side it is argued that, contrary to a widespread view, the explanation of particular facts does not play a central role in pure science and hence that philosophers of science are misguided in supposing that the understanding of such explanations is one of the central tasks of the philosophy of science. It is suggested that the view being attacked may stem in part from an impression that the establishing of a general law is tantamount to the explanation (...)
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    Self-Warrant: A Neglected Form of Privileged Access.William P. Alston - 1976 - American Philosophical Quarterly 13 (4):257 - 272.
    This paper defends the view that a belief to the effect that the believer is currently in some conscious state is "self-Warranted," in the sense that what warrants it is simply its being a belief of that sort. This position is compared with other views as to the epistemic status of such beliefs--That they are warranted by their truth and that they are warranted by an immediate awareness of their object. In the course of the discussion, Various modes of (...)
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    Dispositions and Occurrences.William P. Alston - 1971 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):125 - 154.
    Since the publication of Gilbert Ryle's book, The Concept of Mind, the distinction between dispositions and occurrences has loomed large in the philosophy of mind. In that enormously influential book Ryle set out to show that much of what passes as mental is best construed as dispositional in character rather than, as traditionally supposed, being made up of private “ghostly” occurrences, ‘happenings, or “episodes.” Many philosophers, including some of Ryle's ablest critics, have accepted the terms of Ryle's contentions. They have (...)
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  37. (1 other version)PET: Exploring the myth and the method.William P. Bechtel & Robert S. Stufflebeam - 1997 - Philosophy of Science 64 (4):S95 - S106.
    New research tools such as PET can produce dramatic results. But they can also produce dramatic artifacts. Why is PET to be trusted? We examine both the rationale that justifies interpreting PET as measuring brain activity and the strategies for interpreting PET results functionally. We show that functional ascriptions with PET make important assumptions and depend critically on relating PET results to those secured through other research techniques.
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    Hearing How Smooth It Looks.W. P. Seeley - 2012 - Essays in Philosophy 13 (2):498-517.
    A broad range of behavior is associated with crossmodal perception in the arts. Philosophical explanations of crossmodal perception often make reference to neuroscientific discussions of multisensory integration in selective attention. This research demonstrates that superior colliculus plays a regulative role in attention, integrating unique modality specific visual, auditory, and somatosensory spatial maps into a common spatial framework for action, and that motor skill, emotional salience, and semantic salience contribute to the integration of auditory, visual, and somatosensory information in ordinary (...)
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    Response to Hick.William P. Alston - 1997 - Faith and Philosophy 14 (3):287-288.
    This is a response to Hick’s comments on my approach to the problem of religious diversity in Perceiving God. Before unearthing the bones I have to pick with him, let me fully acknowledge that I have not provided a fully satisfactory solution to the problem. At most I have done the best that can be done given the constraints within which I was working. But this best, if such it be, is not as bad as Hick makes it appear. (...)
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  40. Illocutionary Acts and Sentence Meaning. [REVIEW]William P. Alston - 2002 - Dialogue 41 (3):589-590.
    This book is the culmination of almost forty years of writing and thinking about speech acts and the use theory of meaning. Chapter 1 sets out and defends a version of the Austin-Searle trichotomy of a sentential act, i.e., uttering a sentence or surrogate, an illocutionary act, i.e., uttering a sentence with a certain "content" as reported by indirect speech, and a perlocutionary act, i.e., producing an effect on an audience by an utterance. Chapter 2 poses the question: what (...)
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  41. What knowledge must be in the head in order to acquire language.William P. Bechtel - 1996 - In B. Velichkovsky & Duane M. Rumbaugh, Communicating Meaning: The Evolution and Development of Language. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. pp. 45.
    Many studies of language, whether in philosophy, linguistics, or psychology, have focused on highly developed human languages. In their highly developed forms, such as are employed in scientific discourse, languages have a unique set of properties that have been the focus of much attention. For example, descriptive sentences in a language have the property of being "true" or "false," and words of a language have senses and referents. Sentences in a language are structured in accord with complex syntactic rules. (...)
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  42. Evolution and subjectivity.William P. Kiblinger - 2007 - Zygon 42 (1):193-202.
    Evolutionary theory is becoming an all-encompassing form of explanation in many branches of philosophy. However, emergence theory uses the concept of self-organization to support yet alter traditional evolutionary explanation. Biologist Stuart Kauffman suggests that the new science will need to tell stories, not simply as a heuristic device but as part of its fundamental task. This claim is reminiscent of C. S. Peirce’s criticism of the doctrine of necessity. Peirce’s suggestions reference Hegel, and this essay draws out this Hegelian background. (...)
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    Boolean sentence algebras: Isomorphism constructions.William P. Hanf & Dale Myers - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (2):329-338.
    Associated with each first-order theory is a Boolean algebra of sentences and a Boolean space of models. Homomorphisms between the sentence algebras correspond to continuous maps between the model spaces. To what do recursive homomorphisms correspond? We introduce axiomatizable maps as the appropriate dual. For these maps we prove a Cantor-Bernstein theorem. Duality and the Cantor-Bernstein theorem are used to show that the Boolean sentence algebras of any two undecidable languages or of any two functional languages are recursively isomorphic (...)
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    Consistency and Variation in Reasoning About Physical Assembly.William P. McCarthy, David Kirsh & Judith E. Fan - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (12):e13397.
    The ability to reason about how things were made is a pervasive aspect of how humans make sense of physical objects. Such reasoning is useful for a range of everyday tasks, from assembling a piece of furniture to making a sandwich and knitting a sweater. What enables people to reason in this way even about novel objects, and how do people draw upon prior experience with an object to continually refine their understanding of how to create it? To explore (...)
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    Surgical Care of the HIV-Infected Patient: A Moral Imperative.William P. Schecter - 1992 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 1 (3):223.
    An increasing number of HIV-infected patients require surgical care. Many surgeons, regardless of their venue of practice, would prefer not to treat HIV-infected patients.1 The reasons for this attitude differ from individual to individual but include the fear of contracting an incurable fatal illness, a desire to avoid interaction with homosexuals and intravenous drug users, and fears that occupationally acquired HIV infection would result in restriction of clinical privileges and loss of income.2,3 At the same time, many individuals, institutions, (...)
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    To Kill or Not to Kill: a Question of Wartime Ethics.P. T. Williams - 1996 - Nursing Ethics 3 (2):150-156.
    In this article, the author describes ethical decision-making in unique circumstances. A dichotomy exists between the dual roles of nurse and disaster manager in a wartime set ting. The circumstances of the situation had never been faced before and no precedents existed for the type of decisions being made. Clearly, professional codes of conduct existed along with international conventions with reference to war. The circumstances required the author to challenge the concepts of teleology and deon tology in a (...)
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  47. Consciousness: Perspectives from symbolic and connectionist AI.William P. Bechtel - 1995 - Neuropsychologia.
    For many people, consciousness is one of the defining characteristics of mental states. Thus, it is quite surprising that consciousness has, until quite recently, had very little role to play in the cognitive sciences. Three very popular multi-authored overviews of cognitive science, Stillings et al. [33], Posner [26], and Osherson et al. [25], do not have a single reference to consciousness in their indexes. One reason this seems surprising is that the cognitive revolution was, in large part, a repudiation of (...)
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    The Environment: Philosophy, Science, and Ethics.William P. Kabasenche, Michael O'Rourke & Matthew H. Slater (eds.) - 2012 - MIT Press.
    Philosophical reflections on the environment began with early philosophers' invocation of a cosmology that mixed natural and supernatural phenomena. Today, the central philosophical problem posed by the environment involves not what it can teach us about ourselves and our place in the cosmic order but rather how we can understand its workings in order to make better decisions about our own conduct regarding it. The resulting inquiry spans different areas of contemporary philosophy, many of which are represented by the (...)
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    Internal Relatedness and Pluralism in Whitehead.William P. Alston - 1952 - Review of Metaphysics 5 (4):535 - 558.
    This fundamental thesis of the essential interconnectedness of particular occasions is reiterated by Whitehead in a variety of formulations throughout his later works, all expressing the same basic conviction. To say that all the relations which an event has are internal to it is also to say that it is essential to it that the other entities which form the opposite termini of these relations be just as they are; for unless the other relata were just as they are, the (...)
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    (2 other versions)What happens to accounts of mind-brain relations if we forgo an architecture of rules and representations?William P. Bechtel - 1986 - Philosophy of Science Association 1986:159 - 171.
    The notion that the mind is a physical symbol system (Newell) with a determinate functional architecture (Pylyshyn) provides a compelling conception of the relation of cognitive inquiry to neuroscience inquiry: cognitive inquiry explores the activity within the symbol system while neuroscience explains how the symbol system is realized in the brain. However, the view the the mind is a physical symbol system is being challenged today by researchers in artificial intelligence who propose that the mind is a connectionist system (...)
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